We were ready to make the trek to TBIT but were surprised as soon as we got off the jet bridge to find a very friendly and helpful La Premiere agent from Air France there to help escort us to the Qantas lounge.

He apologized they didn't have a car service yet at LAX, but would make sure the T3 to TBIT bus service would go as smoothly as possible.
Some great plane spotting on the way like this Delta 757.

The takeoff queue.

Got to pass right by the JAL 77W

The bus terminal at TBIT, luckily very empty as we got there.

Our agent was really friendly asking us about our trip and sharing some fun stories of working at LAX.

Passing by the OneWorld Business Class lounge at LAX, he said Air France J customers can use it as well.

Views on the way to the Qantas First Class Lounge.

The Korean lounge entrance.

And the entrance to the Qantas First Class lounge.

He helped us get checked in and gave us a quick tour and said he'd be by to get us before boarding. It was great he asked if we'd like to be first or last to board and to MsFlamingo's chagrin, I wanted to be onboard first to take pictures of the empty La Premiere cabin.

The lounge was divided into several sections to relax, work, dine and the bar area. What I most appreciated is it was large and never that full. It offered plenty of privacy.

View into the check in area of TBIT.

The bar area with a decent selection of spirits and wines.

We decided to have a lite bite in the dining area.

The menu was solid with plenty of options.

We each had a glass of the Nicholas Feuillette Rose to kick this off with some bubbly!

MsFlamingo ordered the cheese plate.

Meanwhile I went with the calamari which was simple, but incredibly tender and delicious!

After eating, MsFlamingo wanted to utilize the facilities and take a shower. Meanwhile I grabbed a glass of Mumm and posted up to take care of a few emails.

After her shower, MsFlamingo joined me and we moved to the lounge chairs.

Next thing we knew, it was time to board and our agent found us and escorted us to the gate. See the next post for the flight!
Trip links:
- Budapest
- Onyx
- Zurich
- Lucerne
- Bern
- Dux
- Escriba
- Xerta
- Lasarte
- A.O.C.